Hello all. My turn to jump in are share with you a favorite handmade gift I am making for Christmas.
I love all things mini- like mini oreos, bitty erasers, tiny jawbreakers. I picked up some small canvases at a craft store sale this summer and set them aside. When deciding what to give my younger sister I thought it would be cool to give her something small and cheerful to put in her office at work.
I found a few favorite quotes and layered them on the small canvases. (first I covered the canvas with pretty paper) To finish it off I added a painted wooden knob, pretty cute! Easy, personal, and cheerful- what a perfect gift combination.
Happy gifting!
Love that quote - great project Wendy!
Posted by: Valerie M | 12/09/2010 at 02:49 PM
I LOVE this...great idea and with the right quote is the perfect gift for EVERYONE!!
Posted by: Karen Taylor | 12/09/2010 at 03:39 PM
I'm sorry... Did you just threaten me? NOBODY THREATENS ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!! Yeah, you talk about private e-mail, but then you threaten me and talk about your business and how important it is........ YOU PLAY WITH PAPER FOR A LIVING !!!!!! (Are you curing cancer...I don't think so) I'm really scared. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DESIGNS THEIR HOUSE AROUND A CHRISTMAS TREE!!! (An artificial Christmas tree nonetheless) You are CRAZY! Your priorities are out of whack! Find a therapist. Find a man....Obviously yours is a sissy, yes-man.. Your posts are verbose!!! (look it up) Get my e-mail from your bitch Teresa.... She has it!! I DARE you to e-mail me!! BITCH
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 10:51 PM
I'm waiting.........
I don't care what she's been through in the past year. She starts doing creepy shit and i'm going to call her on it. You are a bitch for going after me when she is doing wrong. DID SHE TELL YOU THE WHOLE STORY???? DID SHE SHOW YOU ALL THE POSTS IN QUESION?? Or perhaps she just showed you one or two? Perhaps she is using you too. But, you are too caught up in the limelight to see it!
Waiting for your e mail!!
Or perhaps you need to contact your friends first. Am I right? Did you? Or did you act on your own?
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 11:01 PM
Still waiting......
Such a great friend....
We all need such good friends...
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 11:04 PM
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 11:08 PM
still waiting.............
Seeing how much you care about your "business".
I THOUGHT SO!!!!! Don't ever threaten me again!!
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 11:14 PM
loser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see how much you care about your blog!!!!
Posted by: gina pachetti | 12/09/2010 at 11:42 PM
This is a great project, Wendy! (But WTF with the Gina person? Makes no sense on this post at all...)
Posted by: Mel | 12/13/2010 at 10:23 PM